Family of Edward^8 A. Van Wicklin

Edward^8 A. Van Wicklin (John^7, Garret^6, Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 1866, Cramahe, Ont.
Married: Mary Ann Dubuke (b. 1867,
Smithfield), 1 February 1893,
Colbourne, Ont.
1. Lewis^9 Cecil Van Wicklin, b. 31 December 1893, Cramahe, Ont.
2. Edward Gordon^9 Van Wicklin, b. 16 February 1895, Cramahe, Ont.
4. Elsie^9 Pearl Van Wicklin, b. 19 July 1897, Cramahe, Ont.
5. Arthur^9 Van Wicklin, b. 11 October 1899, Cramahe, Ont.
6. David^9 C. Van Wicklin, b. 1901, Cramahe, Ont.
7. Amelia^9 Henrietta Van Wicklin, b. 17 Nov 1902, Cramahe, Ont.
(died in infancy)
Birth registration for Amelia
Henrietta Van Wicklin, 17 Nov 1902, d/o of E. A. Van Wicklin and MaryAnn Van
Wicklin (courtesy, Georgi Sills via 12 Jan 07 email). Death registration R#19260
Alma Henrietta Van Wicklin, died 21 May 1903 in Crahame, of Grippe, reported by
E. A. Van Wicklin
Edward's parents are John Gordon and
Elizabeth (Wilson) Van Wicklin
Mary Ann's parents are Joseph and Mary Tebuke.
Background information:
Edward^8 A. Van Wicklin (John^7 Gordon, Garret^6, Isaac^5,
Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 19 February 1866 and died 1937 in Cramahe Township. Edward bequeathed his estate to wife, Mary Ann (Will #4890, Registry Office). He
and his wife, and three children Gordon, Elsie, and David are buried in Salem Cemetery. Lewis G. is buried in Union
Cemetery. Edward m. on 1 February 1893 in Colbourne, Ont., CAN to Mary Ann
Dubuke (b. 29 December 1867, Smithfield and died in
Photo is of South Cramahe Elementary School, the land for which was donated by Edward Van Wicklin, who was a trustee of
the school--as was his son, David C. Van Wicklin. Edward's house used to be located on this property but no longer stands.
The house to the right of the school--as one faces the school from the street--was once the home of David C. and Margaret Van

Surrogate court index -- CS2 115 (Archives
of Ontario) contain surrogate court records for: Edward Van Wicklin (13916) and
David Carl Van Wicklin (20786) --located by Marg Graham Trottman on 25 June 2002
trip to archives, but not looked up.
Children: Lewis^9
Cecil Van
Wicklin, b. 31 December 1893 and d. 1974, Cramahe, Ont.--husband of A. Effie (Roney) Van Wicklin (b. 1876 and
d. 1953)--both are buried in Union Cemetery, Colbourne, Ont. Lewis is the eldest son of Edward and Mary Ann (and that has
been verified by Marguerite Simpson and Jim Walker (neice and nephew of Lewis G.and
by the 1901 Census). Edward Gordon^9 Van Wicklin was b. 16 February 1895 and
died 1979. His wife Nellie G. (____) Van Wicklin was b. 1896 and d. in 1960. Elsie^9 Pearl Van Wicklin was b. 19 July 1897 and
d. 1981. She was m. to Archibald Dyer Walker (b. 1897 and d. 1963). Arthur^9 Van Wicklin was b. 11 October 1899 and he and
younger brother of David are pictured together in the above elementary school photo taken May 11, 1911 in front of the Salem
schoolhouse. David^9 Carl Van Wicklin was b. 1901 and d. 1958. He m. Margaret A. Peterson of Colbourne, Ont on 10 May
1944. She was b. 1914 and was still living as of 1999.

1899 photo of a wood cutting bee at Salem which no doubt has in it the ancestors of many current Salemites. [Many of the
streets in Cramahe Township are named after these men and their families.] The photo was taken by Dominion Photo and View
Co. of Brighton, F. B. Jones, photographer. The only persons identified to date are the following: Albert Cochrane, second
from left front; Frank Ventress, third from left back; Sanford Brown, fifth from left back; Duncan Church in the very middle of
the back row; Mason Bellamy, with the upright saw, fifth from the right back; William Henry Bellamy in the middle row at left;
George Armstrong with the big mustache in the middle row, middle of the row. [Edward Van Wicklin and perhaps other
Cramahe Township Van Wicklins are likely to be among the group, but as yet not identified.]
Cemetery Records, Cramahe Township (plus personal visit to Salem and Union Cemeteries in Cramahe Township)
Correspondence with Georgi Van Sills of Abbotsford, B.C. and Marg
Graham-Trottman of Port Hope, Ontario.
Photograph of Salem Elementary School class 11 May, 1911 (This entry made on 11 May, 2000).
1901 Census data (Cramahe #34, Pg 2), courtesy, Georgi Sills, 27 July 2002 email
Ontario Registry Office, Will#4890
Birth record R#022177 for Lewis Cecil Van Wicklin, b. 31 December 1893, and
R#22759 for Edward Gordon Van Wicklin, b. 16 February 1895 parents are Edward A.
and Mary Ann (Tebuke) Van Wicklin. Edward was a farmer --located
in Archives of Ontario on 25 June 2002 by Marg Trottman and John Van Wicklin
Marriage Certificate: (Information provided in 20 February 1893 email from Marg Trottman Graham) Van Wicklin, Edward A. 1 February 1893 Colbourne, Ont.
(R#8662 Edward A. Van Wicklin, 27, of Cramahe
(b. Cramahe) s/o John and Elizabeth Van Wicklin married 1 February 1893 in
Colbourne to M. A. Dubuke, 24, of Cramahe (b. Smithfield) d/o Joseph and Mary